28 Day Squat Exercise Challenge (Female)

Squatober Squat Challenge Exercise Challenge - Banner

The 28 Day Squat exercise challenge is an adaptation from my popular Squatober challenge and Yes!, you will be doing squats for 28 days straight. This simple body-weight challenge won’t take much time out of your day to commit to it and get it done..

Keeping It Simple Stupid we will be performing only a regular bodyweight squat, no fancy lateral, split or jumps and there is a good reason for this. Performing an exercise in repetition is what builds strength and endurance in that movement. This encourages muscles to develop muscle memory and builds stabilising muscles to aid with key support during the exercise movement.

The squat is a fundamental exercise and is excellent at building, toning and defining the muscles of the Legs & Bums and all the muscles through the posterior chain. It’s important to know how to squat properly so check out the video below to make sure you perform the exercise with good technique.

Join the Squatober Challenge?

If it’s October, why not join in with the Squatober Challenge

Anyone can join in

You don’t need to be a gym bunny to have a go at this challenge, simply complete the reps as you can throughout the day. or ideally, in one go if you can. If you are particularly fit or want an increased challenge try and complete the reps in one go and likewise if you are not as fit or find it difficult, you can break it down to blocks of 10’s 20’s or whatever works for you.  

28 Day Squat Challenge Title Female
How to join in.
  • Commit! Share you are doing this challenge and share your progress.
  • Download the target guide and scoring sheets to track your challenge.
  • Recruit a friend to join you and keep each other motivated.

Challenge Levels

The challenge is split into 3 levels for which you can score your progress, you don’t need to keep to one level, you can mix & match and go up or down a level. Each level has a score associated to it, use the free-scoring sheet available for download below to track your progress and tally your total score for the month  

Level 11 point
Level 22 points
Level 33 points
Levels & Points Table for Squatober Challenge

Download the Scoring Sheet

28 Day Squat Challenge Scoring Sheet

The 28 Day Scoring Sheet for the 28 Day Squats Challenge

Challenge Design

This squat challenge has been designed as an ascending pyramid programme, adding reps every day, This type of programming makes the challenge progressive encouraging progression in the squat with increased demand throughout the month. 

28 Day Squat Challenge Target Guide

To get started, download & print the SQUAT calendar below and pin it to your fridge (while you are at it, pin it to your challenge board on Pinterest) or somewhere you can reference it each day.  

28 Day Squat Exercise Challenge – Female – DoctorJeal (2)


We should always perform a warm-up relative to the workout we are about to undertake,  for this challenge at the start of the month it’s a good idea to take the first 20-30 nice and steady as your joints warm-up and keep the tempo low until joints are lubricated. As we get into a higher number of squats you might want a quick warm-up to include heel flicks and partial squats.

Lightly stretch it out!

Once you’ve finished your daily squats, make sure you stretch out. Focus on the hamstrings, quads, calfs and glutes. Hold each stretch for 15-20 seconds.   A quick effective stretching routine for squats should include:

  • Quads Stretch (Standing or Laying)
  • Hamstring Stretch (Standing or Laying)
  • Calf Stretch

This is a simple workout, at the start of the month with low reps you’ll only need a quick stretch out however if you are performing difficult variations you will want to spend more time on the stretching.

How to Squat

Squat Exercise Video Guide
  • Stand with feet at hip-width apart.
  • Toes forward or slightly out-turned.
  • Squat down lowering your hips down to knee height.
  • Keep knees behind and in-line with toes.
  • Bum should go back as if you were about to sit on a chair.
  • Look forward and slightly down.
  • Maintain neutral spine alignment.


You a can add intensity to this challenge by adding a little weight, which exercises you choose will depend on the type of weight or equipment you have available, it does not matter too much which it is.

More Squat Workouts

Why not compliment this squat challenge with one of my leg workouts.

Daily Challenge Targets

DAYLevel 1Level 2Level 3
28 Day Squat Challenge Daily Target Table

Day 1 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 1

Today is the first day of 28 Day Squats Challenge and we start with 50, 100 or 150 Squats. All you need to do to join is Squat! Come on, let’s drop it like a squat!

  • Level 1 = 50
  • Level 2 = 100
  • Level 3 = 150

Day 2 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 2

Day 2 of 28 Day Squats Challenge and just 60, 120 or 180 squats today. Be over before you know it and you will probably feel it tomorrow if squatting is new to you!

  • Level 1 = 60
  • Level 2 = 120
  • Level 3 = 180

Day 3 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 3

Day 3 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 70, 140 or 210 squats today. This week is just a warm-up for the hard work to come. So you can look in the mirror & smile!

  • Level 1 = 70
  • Level 2 = 140
  • Level 3 = 210

Day 4 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 4

Day 4 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 80. 160 or 240 squats to do. It may feel like a lot now but by the end of the month, it will feel like a warm-up!

  • Level 1 = 80
  • Level 2 = 160
  • Level 3 = 240

Day 5 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 5

Day 5 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 90, 180 or 270 today. This is such a functional move you do all the time, OK so maybe not all at once but hey ho!

  • Level 1 = 90
  • Level 2 = 180
  • Level 3 = 270

Day 6 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 6

Day 6 of 28 Day Squats Challenge a nice round 100, 200 or 300 today. Take your time and enjoy every last one. Nice & slow for a maximum time under tension. Remember to keep good form.

  • Level 1 = 100
  • Level 2 = 200
  • Level 3 = 300

Day 7 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 7

Day 7 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 110, 220 or 330 squats today. The first week is over! How are you feeling? Like every day is a leg day? Legs hurting? Good, it’s working!

  • Level 1 = 110
  • Level 2 = 220
  • Level 3 = 330

Day 8 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 8

Day 8 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 120, 240 or 360 Squats to do. So now the warm-up is over we can start the real work! 3 digits all the way now to the finish line

  • Level 1 = 120
  • Level 2 = 240
  • Level 3 = 360

Day 9 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 9

Day 9 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 130, 260 or 390 squats today. Get into the habit of getting your squats done early and bag yourself a win for the day.

  • Level 1 = 130
  • Level 2 = 260
  • Level 3 = 390

Day 10 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 10

Day 10 of 28 Day Squats Challenge 140, 280 or 420 squats to get those firmer thighs & glutes you’ve always wanted!

  • Level 1 = 140
  • Level 2 = 280
  • Level 3 = 420

Day 11 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 11

Day 11 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 150, 300 or 450 Squats today. So this functional move uses lots of muscles. Your derriere is your biggest muscle, work it!

  • Level 1 = 150
  • Level 2 = 300
  • Level 3 = 450

Day 12 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 12

Day 12 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 160, 320 or 480 butt moves today. So you may have many more days to do but you may have room in your jeans at the end.

  • Level 1 = 160
  • Level 2 = 320
  • Level 3 = 480

Day 13 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 13

Day 13 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 170, 340 or 510 today. A good reason to squat is that it’s a non-impact exercise so it won’t put a strain on your back! + it tones!

  • Level 1 = 170
  • Level 2 = 340
  • Level 3 = 510

Day 14 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 14

Day 14 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 180, 360 or 540 squats today. Your whole leg benefits from squatting including strengthening your knees from bending & stretching.

  • Level 1 = 180
  • Level 2 = 360
  • Level 3 = 540

Day 15 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 15

Day 15 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 190, 380 or 570 to do. Squats work your core stabiliser muscles which help maintain balance & flexibility.

  • Level 1 = 190
  • Level 2 = 380
  • Level 3 = 570

Day 16 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 16

Day 16 of 28 Day Squats Challenge& 200, 400 or 600 today! Why Squats? They work! It’s a bodyweight exercise using muscles in unison to build strength.

  • Level 1 = 200
  • Level 2 = 400
  • Level 3 = 600

Day 17 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 17

Day 17 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 190, 380 or 570 to get through. This fact is for the ladies! Squatting helps with cellulite so even more reason to Squat!

  • Level 1 = 190
  • Level 2 = 380
  • Level 3 = 570

Day 18 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 18

Day 18 of 28 Day Squats Challenge180, 360 or 540 squats today. Squatting is the most primitive movement for us, we spent 40 weeks in the foetal position?

  • Level 1 = 180
  • Level 2 = 360
  • Level 3 = 540

Day 19 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 19

Day 19 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 170, 340 or 510 squats. Remember to keep good form otherwise you may as well not bother!

  • Level 1 = 170
  • Level 2 = 340
  • Level 3 = 510

Day 20 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 20

Day 20 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 180, 320 or 480 to get down & back up to. Take all day if you need. You’re only in competition with yourself.

  • Level 1 = 180
  • Level 2 = 320
  • Level 3 = 480

Day 21 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 21

Day 21 of 28 Day Squats Challenge 150, 300 or 450 squats to do. Last 10 days to go, nearly at the top. You’ve worked so hard so don’t lose sight of your goal now.

  • Level 1 = 150
  • Level 2 = 300
  • Level 3 = 450

Day 22 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 22

Day 22 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 140, 280 or 420 to push out. Its mind over matter, just keep counting & focus. Does my bum look big in this? Hell, no girl!

  • Level 1 = 140
  • Level 2 = 280
  • Level 3 = 420

Day 23 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 23

Day 23 of 28 Day Squats Challenge 130, 260 or 390 to squeeze out, you should be squeezing on the way back up! Get full range & love those pegs & booty!

  • Level 1 = 130
  • Level 2 = 260
  • Level 3 = 390

Day 24 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 24

Day 25 of 28 Day Squats Challenge 120, 240 or 360 to do. Tomorrow is a big day & you are more than ready. Your legs are on fire now & don’t you know it!

  • Level 1 = 120
  • Level 2 = 240
  • Level 3 = 360

Day 25 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 25

Day 25 of 28 Day Squats Challenge110, 220 or 330 to do. Tomorrow is the last down before going back up. Your legs are on fire now & don’t you know it!

  • Level 1 = 110
  • Level 2 = 220
  • Level 3 = 330

Day 26 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 26

Day 26 of 28 Day Squats Challenge and a goal of 100, 200 or 300 today. Get ready, tomorrow it back uphill! Well, it is a challenge!

  • Level 1 = 100
  • Level 2 = 200
  • Level 3 = 300

Day 27 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female – 27

Day 27 of 28 Day Squats Challenge 150, 300 or 450 for fun. Into your last few days & you must be feeling the benefit of squatting every day.

  • Level 1 = 150
  • Level 2 = 300
  • Level 3 = 450

Day 28 of 28 Day Squat Challenge

28 Day Squat Challenge Targets – Female- 28

Day 28 of 28 Day Squats Challenge with 200, 400 or 600 squats. This is a breeze for you now! If you can’t see a difference you will feel a difference.

  • Level 1 = 200
  • Level 2 = 400
  • Level 3 = 600

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