28 Day Step Challenge

Step It Up june Exercise Challenge - Banner

Getting fit and healthy is not complicated, we need to move, get active and what better way than walking. This exercise challenge is going to help us be more active by walking more & taking more steps.

The Challenge

This challenge has been adapted from the Step It Up June Challenge. In this challenge we’ll be increasing the number of steps we do slowly but surely, you can check the target each day and hit your goal. You’ll need to start finding more ways to be active such as parking further away from your destination, walking whenever you can and taking the stairs.    Your daily step target in this challenge should be considered a ‘minimum’ if you hit it, excellent but keep on stepping!

Go from sedentary to very active; this challenge starts in the sedentary range which most people will be able to achieve without much additional effort.

By the end of the challenge, you’ll be in the range where very active people are considered to be. So get that pedometer out and get stepping.

How to take part in this Challenge

How to Track your Steps

Tracking your steps is relatively simple, there are many step tracking devices and activity tracker on the market, including Fitbit and Apple watch and many others. Don’t worry if you don’t have an activity tracker, smartphones do a decent job of tracking steps, you just need either Apple Health or Google Fit installed and it will use the accelerometer in your phone to track your steps, of course, you will need your phone on you for it to work. Alternatively, you can purchase a cheap pedometer for around £10, many are available at Amazon.co.uk.

  1. Smart Watch
  2. Activity Tracker
  3. Smartphone
  4. Pedometer

1. Smart Watch

Undoublty the best way to track your steps is with a smartwatch, you will get up to date steps via your smartwatch and automatically syncs to give you detailed reporting of not just your steps, but calories burned and even heart rate. Popular options include Apple Watch or Samsung Gear.

2. Activity Tracker

Activity trackers allow you to track your steps constantly via a small device, either clipped to your clothing, bra or worn around your wrist. Trackers such as Fitbit or Garmin will sync to their native apps or 3rd party tracking app allowing accurate tracking of your daily steps. 

3. Using your smartphone

Your smartphone is equipped with technology to track your steps without the need for a dedicated activity tracker, Apple iPhone and Samsung Galaxy devices plus many others will enable you to track your steps using Apple Health or Google Fit respectively.

4. Pedometers

Basic but they do the job just fine, you can pick one up on Amazon for under £10, and even the best ones won’t cost much more than £20.

What is your Current Activity Level

This exercise challenge has progressions depending on your current exercise and activity level, if you a new to exercise and sedentary, you will be fine to start on the base level target guides. Read the statements below to see which activity level you are and therefore which challenge targets you should follow.

Sedentary You lead a sedentary
lifestyle with little to no
regular exercise or activity.
Mild Activity Level You undergo Intensive
exercise for at least 20
minutes 1 to 3 times per
If you do not exercise
regularly, but you maintain a busy lifestyle that requires
you to walk frequently for
long periods,
you meet the requirements of this level.
Moderate Activity Level You undergo Intensive
exercise for at least 30 to 60 minutes 3 to 4 times per
Heavy or (Labour Intensive) Activity Level You undergo intensive
exercise for 60
minutes or greater 5 to 7
days per week and/or you
have a labour-intensive job
Extreme Level You are exceedingly active
and/or very
participate in demanding
Examples include athlete
with an almost
unstoppable training
schedule with multiple
training sessions
throughout the day very a
demanding job, such as
shovelling coal or working
long hours on an assembly
Generally, this level of
activity is very difficult to

Challenge Design

Scoring the Challenge

The 28 Day Step Challenge is split into five levels for which you can score your progress; you don’t need to keep to one level, You can mix & match and go up or down a level. Each level has a score associated with it, use the free-scoring sheet available for download below to track your progress and tally your total score for the month. You will score yourself either 1,2 or 3 points depending on which level you achieve, that’s a maximum of ‘5’ per day, minimum of ‘1’ unless you skip a day in which case it would be ‘0’.

Download the 28 Day Stepping Challenge Scoring Sheet

28 Day Step Challenge Scoring Sheet 98 KB 25 downloads

Scoring sheet to be used with the 28 Day Step Challenge …

Target Guide

Download, print off and keep the guide handy, pin it to your fridge and check your step target for the day.

Daily Target Guides

28 Day Step Challenge Day 1


Day 1 of 28 Day Step Challenge your first day of this challenge, make sure you check the best level for you by knowing your current activity level.

“But the beauty is in the walking — we are betrayed by destinations.” 

Gwyn Thomas
  • Level 1 = 4000
  • Level 2 = 5500
  • Level 3 = 6200
  • Level 4 = 6800
  • Level 5 = 7600

28 Day Step Challenge Day 2


Day 2 of 28 Day Step Challenge. So if it means a few more times up and down the stairs, then go do it! It’s all for the benefit of you!

“Walking . . . is how the body measures itself against the earth.”

― Rebecca Solnit, Wanderlust: A History of Walking
  • Level 1 = 4200
  • Level 2 = 5775
  • Level 3 = 6510
  • Level 4 = 7140
  • Level 5 = 7980

28 Day Step Challenge Day 3


Day 3 of 28 Day Step Challenge, check your target! It’s not a lot of steps if you count every step upon waking up. Get up & start moving

“If I could not walk far and fast, I think I should just explode and perish.” 

Charles Dickens
  • Level 1 = 4400
  • Level 2 = 6050
  • Level 3 = 6820
  • Level 4 = 7480
  • Level 5 = 8360

28 Day Step Challenge Day 4


Day 4 of 28 Day Step Challenge. No excuses, get outside and get walking, you’ll easily do this!

“As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears”

  • Level 1 = 4600
  • Level 2 = 6325
  • Level 3 = 7130
  • Level 4 = 7820
  • Level 5 = 8740

28 Day Step Challenge Day 5


Day 5 of 28 Day Step Challenge. So if you work in an office we all know it’s more difficult to get moving. Take your lunch away from your desk!

“As we stretch our legs, we stretch our minds and our souls.”

Julia Cameron
  • Level 1 = 4800
  • Level 2 = 6600
  • Level 3 = 7440
  • Level 4 = 8160
  • Level 5 = 9120

28 Day Step Challenge Day 6


Day 6 of 28 Day Step Challenge. One foot in front of the other. It’s what we were born to do & we’ve forgotten how to do it.

“The sum of the whole is this: walk and be happy; walk and be healthy.”

Charles Dickens
  • Level 1 = 5000
  • Level 2 = 6875
  • Level 3 = 7750
  • Level 4 = 8500
  • Level 5 = 9500

28 Day Step Challenge Day 7


Day 7 of 28 Day Step Challenge. Week 1 done. So you won’t see the difference straight away but you’ll start to feel it soon.

 “Writing is one way of making the world our own, and walking is another.”

Geoff Nicholson
  • Level 1 = 5200
  • Level 2 = 7150
  • Level 3 = 8060
  • Level 4 = 8840
  • Level 5 = 9880

28 Day Step Challenge Day 8


Day 8 of 28 Day Step Challenge. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow you go, it’s just the fact that you’re moving more. #Simple

“If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk.”

Raymond Carver
  • Level 1 = 5500
  • Level 2 = 7562
  • Level 3 = 8525
  • Level 4 = 9350
  • Level 5 = 10450

28 Day Step Challenge Day 9


Day 9 of 28 Day Step Challenge. You move more, you burn more calories, you lose weight. It really is that easy. That’s a win-win for you.

“Go for long walks and try to create something new every day.”

C.C. Chapman
  • Level 1 = 5800
  • Level 2 = 7975
  • Level 3 = 8990
  • Level 4 = 9860
  • Level 5 = 11020

28 Day Step Challenge Day 10

DAY 10

Day 10 of 28 Day Step Challenge! If you only walked when the weather was good, you’ll limit your chances of enjoying what nature has to offer.

“My God is the God of walkers. If you walk hard enough, you probably don’t need any other god.”

Bruce Chatwin
  • Level 1 = 6100
  • Level 2 = 8387
  • Level 3 = 9455
  • Level 4 = 10370
  • Level 5 = 11590

28 Day Step Challenge Day 11

DAY 11

Day 11 of 28 Day Step Challenge. Daylight is longer so you have even more time to get out walking. We don’t listen to excuses.

“Walking is the great adventure, the first meditation, a practice of heartiness and soul primary to humankind. Walking is the exact balance of spirit and humility.”

Gary Snider
  • Level 1 = 6400
  • Level 2 = 8800
  • Level 3 = 9920
  • Level 4 = 10880
  • Level 5 = 12160

28 Day Step Challenge Day 12

DAY 12

Day 12 of 28 Day Step Challenge Make opportunities to get more steps in, walk to work, park further away when you do the shopping.

“In every walk with nature, one receives more than he seeks.”

 John Muir
  • Level 1 = 6700
  • Level 2 = 9212
  • Level 3 = 10385
  • Level 4 = 11390
  • Level 5 = 12730

28 Day Step Challenge Day 13

DAY 13

Day 13 of 28 Day Step Challenge. You may have to start thinking of how you can increase your steps now. Go the scenic route today!

Give me odorous at sunrise a garden of beautiful flowers where I can walk undisturbed. 

Walt Whitman
  • Level 1 = 7000
  • Level 2 = 9625
  • Level 3 = 10850
  • Level 4 = 11900
  • Level 5 = 13300

28 Day Step Challenge Day 14

DAY 14

Day 14 of 28 Day Step Challenge. Comfortable shoes are a must if it means walking to work with your trainers on, do it! #fitness

An early-morning walk is a blessing for the whole day. 

Henry David Thoreau
  • Level 1 = 7300
  • Level 2 = 10037
  • Level 3 = 11315
  • Level 4 = 12410
  • Level 5 = 13870

28 Day Step Challenge Day 15

DAY 15

Day 15 28 Day Step Challenge. So 2 weeks done. Your activity level has doubled in 2 weeks. Getting used to moving more? Having fun yet!

“Walking brings me back to myself.”

Laurette Mortimer
  • Level 1 = 7700
  • Level 2 = 10587
  • Level 3 = 11935
  • Level 4 = 13090
  • Level 5 = 14630

28 Day Step Challenge Day 16

DAY 16

Day 16 of 28 Day Step Challenge. So they say it takes 21 days to break a habit, 5 more days to make this your new routine! #walk

Walking gets the feet moving, the blood moving, the mind moving. And movement is life.      

Terri Guillemets
  • Level 1 = 8100
  • Level 2 = 11137
  • Level 3 = 12555
  • Level 4 = 13770
  • Level 5 = 15390

28 Day Step Challenge Day 17

DAY 17

Day 17 of 28 Day Step Challenge, If you move more every day you’ll get used to doing it & you’ll notice how good it makes you feel after.

Walking is the favourite sport of the good and wise.

A. L. Rowse
  • Level 1 = 8500
  • Level 2 = 11687
  • Level 3 = 13175
  • Level 4 = 14450
  • Level 5 = 16150

28 Day Step Challenge Day 18

DAY 18

Day 18 of 28 Day Step Challenge, so what’s a few more steps if it’s taking you to where you want to be? A more healthy, fitter version of you!

A lone walker is both present and detached, more than an audience but less than a participant. Walking assuages or legitimizes this alienation.     

Rebecca Solnit
  • Level 1 = 8900
  • Level 2 = 12237
  • Level 3 = 13795
  • Level 4 = 15130
  • Level 5 = 16910

28 Day Step Challenge Day 19

DAY 19

Day 19 of 28 Day Step Challenge. All you’ve got to do is move, every step counts!

Walking is the great adventure, the first meditation, a practice of heartiness and soul primary to humankind. Walking is the exact balance between spirit and humility.     

Gary Snyder
  • Level 1 = 9100
  • Level 2 = 12512
  • Level 3 = 14105
  • Level 4 = 15470
  • Level 5 = 17290

28 Day Step Challenge Day 20

DAY 20

Day 20 of 28 Day Step Challenge. make it fun! Walk it, skip it, jog it, dance it. We don’t mind, just keep moving to see a healthy body & mind.

A morning walk sets us out on the right foot for the day.

Terri Guillemets
  • Level 1 = 9500
  • Level 2 = 13062
  • Level 3 = 14725
  • Level 4 = 16150
  • Level 5 = 18050

28 Day Step Challenge Day 21

DAY 21

Day 21 of 28 Day Step Challenge. Make time for yourself. It promotes a sense of well being releasing those feel-good hormones that you need.

Walking: the most ancient exercise and still the best modern exercise.

Carrie Latet
  • Level 1 = 9900
  • Level 2 = 13612
  • Level 3 = 15345
  • Level 4 = 16830
  • Level 5 = 18810

28 Day Step Challenge Day 22

DAY 22

Day 22 of 28 Day Step Challenge. 3 weeks done now. Into your last big push towards the end. Finish this in style & be a better you

“The best remedy for a short temper is a long walk”

Jacqueline Schiff
  • Level 1 = 10400
  • Level 2 = 14300
  • Level 3 = 16120
  • Level 4 = 17680
  • Level 5 = 19760

28 Day Step Challenge Day 23

DAY 23

Day 23 of 28 Day Step Challenge. This is all for you so remember who you are doing it for. Focus & then you can fulfil your goals.

“My father considered a walk among the mountains as the equivalent of churchgoing.”

Aldous Huxley
  • Level 1 = 10900
  • Level 2 = 14987
  • Level 3 = 16895
  • Level 4 = 18530
  • Level 5 = 20710

28 Day Step Challenge Day 24

DAY 24

Day 24 of 28 Day Step Challenge, we’re Into your last week. Do whatever you have to to get those steps in.

“Walking is the best possible exercise. Habituate yourself to walk very far”

Thomas Jefferson
  • Level 1 = 11400
  • Level 2 = 15675
  • Level 3 = 17670
  • Level 4 = 19380
  • Level 5 = 21660

28 Day Step Challenge Day 25

DAY 25

Day 25 of 28 Day Step Challenge. Little room left over in your clothes now? That can only be a good thing right. Admit it, you like it!

“Above all, do not lose your desire to walk. Every day I walk myself into a state of well-being and walk away from every illness. I have walked myself into my best thoughts, and I know of no thought so burdensome that one cannot walk away from it.

Soren Kierkegaard
  • Level 1 = 11900
  • Level 2 = 16362
  • Level 3 = 18445
  • Level 4 = 20230
  • Level 5 = 22610

28 Day Step Challenge Day 26

DAY 26

Day 26 of 28 Day Step Challenge, more little steps today. Every step counts. It counts towards a healthier, happier you. What you waiting for!

Everywhere is walking distance if you have the time.

Steven Wright
  • Level 1 = 12400
  • Level 2 = 17050
  • Level 3 = 19220
  • Level 4 = 21080
  • Level 5 = 23560

28 Day Step Challenge Day 27

DAY 27

Day 27 of 28 Day Step Challenge. This is what this has been about. Expanding your lungs and keeping your heart healthy.

Walking is my main method of relaxation. I don’t go over my lines or try to solve the world’s problems, I just enjoy the scenery and the wildlife.

Kevin Whately
  • Level 1 = 12900
  • Level 2 = 17737
  • Level 3 = 19995
  • Level 4 = 21930
  • Level 5 = 24510

28 Day Step Challenge Day 28

DAY 28

Day 28 of 28 Day Step Challenge, right, left, right all the way there and back! Don’t think about the number just enjoy yourself at the moment.

All truly great thoughts are conceived by walking. Friedrich Nietzsche

Friedrich Nietzsche
  • Level 1 = 13400
  • Level 2 = 18425
  • Level 3 = 20770
  • Level 4 = 22780
  • Level 5 = 25460

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1 comment

June Stepping Exercise Challenge (StepItUpJune) | DoctorJeal June 19, 2020 - 12:49 pm
[…] 28 Day Step Challenge […]
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