The monthly challenge for July is an exercise in self-control and discipline when it comes to our favourite tipple, it is, of course, DRY JULY. You might have heard or even taken part in the popular dry January challenge. This challenge, however, is much harder, it’s taking place over a part of summer where there are numerous occasions where we might want to drink, at weddings, parties, BBQs or a lazy Sunday afternoon. This is what makes it such a challenge.
Join us this July for Dry July, you’ll reduce your calorie intake and might even lose weight.
Ditch The Booze and Lose Weight! Are you In?
Drinking enough water every day and limiting other drinks is one of the most fundamental things we can do for weight management and staying healthy. It’s important to consume enough water to maintain a healthy water balance, your water input must equal your water output. I guess this is much like accounting, if the in’s and out’s don’t balance, there is something wrong. So as well as keeping DRY for July, we want you to stay hydrated, preferably with water, not cordial and defiantly not juice.

Missed Dry July?
Join anytime with my 28 Day Dry Challenge and go on a 28 Day Detox, quit booze, fizzy drinks and caffeine.
Join my 28 Day Dry Challenge
The Dry July Challenge
Go ‘Dry’ with us this July and take on the Dry July challenge, challenge yourself to go dry for the whole of July. Join in with our challenge and see how ditching the booze and staying hydrated can really make a difference, to your health and to your weight.
- Ditch the booze for July.
- Ditch fizzy drinks
- Ditch the caffeine
- Stay hydrated, drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.
Score your challenge
During this challenge the aim is to complete all days alcohol free and gain bonus point for completing a caffeine or fizzy free day.
Very simply, you will score 1 point for an alcohol free day and a bonus point for a caffeine or fizzy free day or both for a maximum of 3 points each day, If you don’t complete an alcohol free day there are no bonus points on offer even if you achieve those goals.

Challenge Archived | Points |
Alcohol-Free Day | 1 |
Fizzy Free Day | +1 |
Caffeine Free Day | +1 |
Download the Dry July Scoring Sheet
Dry July No Alcohol Challenge Tracking Sheet 71 KB 28 downloads
Track your efforts with the Dry July Challenge and score yourself for having an alcohol,…MAX points per day = 3, BONUS points only achieved if Alcohol Free Day also achieved.
Reducing Calories
All drinks other than water will contain additional calories, additional to your requirement. We get out calorie requirement through the food we eat. Calories within drinks rarely have any nutritional value. Limiting additional drinks consumption can have a positive effect on your calorie balance.
The biggest contributor to additional calories in drinks is alcohol, alcohol contains many unnecessary calories. Breaking habit will help to reduce alcohol consumption, sure we all like a drink sometimes but most of the occasions we drink are due to habit. This includes statements and beliefs such as, “it’s Friday, I’ll have a drink” “it’s the weekend” these are behaviours instigated through habit.
Staying Hydrated
Most people are dehydrated nearly all the time, due to habit or lifestyle we often don’t intake as much fluid as we need, although we extract some of our fluid requirement through the food we eat (about 30%) we are still normally in a negative calorie balance by the end of the day. If you feel thirsty during the day, your body has triggered the stimulus to encourage you to drink, a sign that you’ve not had enough fluid. Just because you are not thirsty, does not mean you shouldn’t drink and hydrate. The thirst sensor is a warning signal, just like the water warning light on your car. If you drink enough during the day your body won’t need to stimulate you to drink, a healthy balance is achieved with a fluid loss equal to fluid intake.
Remember not to consume water in large quantities, it is best to drink little and often, have a water bottle that you sip throughout the day.
You need roughly 1 litre of water for every 1000 calories of expenditure, that’s about 2.5 litres for most people.
Fundraise and make a commitment to stay Dry this July.
Need some extra motivation to stay dry? Set up your own Just Giving page, choose a charity of your choice and get your friends and family to support your cause. You will benefit and so will your charity, that’s win, win.
Dry July around the World
Dry July is certainly not my idea, there is dry July in Australia so if you are in that part of the world, do check out where you can take part and donate.