February FEBURPEE BURPEE Challenge

by doctorjeal
0 comment 4 minutes read
Women performing a burpee exercise in a dark backdrop


February Burpee Challenge

Welcome to Day 17 of the February #Feburpee Burpee Challenge! As we continue on this journey towards fitness, remember that slow and steady progress is key to reaching the finish line. We’re here to support you every step of the way. So, let’s dive into today’s targets and keep pushing towards our goals:

  • Level 1: 26 Burpees
  • Level 2: 52 Burpees
  • Level 3: 78 Burpees

Repeat after me: “I love burpees!” Embrace the challenge with enthusiasm, and let’s crush it together!

17th February Targets

Day 17 of February #Feburpee Burpee Challenge, so we know that slow & steady wins the race and we want you to get to the finish, so off we go!

  • Level 1 = 26 Burpees
  • Level 2 = 52 Burpees
  • Level 3 = 78 Burpees

Go on say it. ‘I Love Burpees’.

BONUS Points

  • Beginner Burpee | +1 points
  • Regular Burpee | + 2 points
  • Burpee with Push Up | +3 points

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