January Plank Challenge (PlankAwayJanuary)

by doctorjeal
2 comments 4 minutes read
Plank Exercise Challenge

PlankAwayJanuary Day 1

January Plank Challenge

The #Plankawayjanuary plank challenge is a fitness challenge that involves doing the plank exercise on a daily basis throughout the month of January. It is designed to help improve your core strength and endurance. The challenge involves three levels of difficulty, with each level corresponding to a different duration of the plank exercise.

On day one of the January plank challenge, Level 1 involves holding the plank for 10 seconds, Level 2 involves holding the plank for 20 seconds, and Level 3 involves holding the plank for 30 seconds.

The goal is to start at the level that is appropriate for your fitness level and gradually increase the duration as you get stronger. It is important to listen to your body and only do as much as you feel comfortable with, as overdoing it can lead to injury. By sticking to the challenge and gradually increasing the duration of your plank, you can improve your core strength and endurance and work towards a stronger, healthier you in the new year.

January Plank Challenge (PlankAwayJanuary) Day 1
January Plank Challenge Day 1

1st January Targets

Happy new year! Day 1 of the #Plankawayjanuary plank challenge & just 10, 20 or 30 seconds. So New Year, New You? If you stick to this challenge you’ll be on your way.

  • Level 1 = 10 seconds
  • Level 2 = 20 seconds
  • Level 3 = 30 seconds

BONUS Points

  • Half Plank | +1 points
  • Full Plank (on forearms or straight arms) | + 2 points
  • Plank Up/Downs | +3 points

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