It’s day 17 of the April Abs Challenge. Today, it’s 26, 52, or 78 crunches and leg lowers. So, you have two weeks left to make the most of your abs. Are they going to be fab? You bet they are!
Level 1 = 26 Crunches and 26 Leg Lowers
Level 2 = 52 Crunches and 52 Leg Lowers
Level 3 = 78 Crunches and 78 Leg Lowers
Level 1 = Bent Knee Crunch & Alternate Bent Knee Leg Lower (+ 1 Points)
I’m a fitness and business expert, passionate about health and fitness and helping people get more active. I’ve built many fitness challenges and workouts. I love waking, getting outside, and gardening.